
Friday, September 2, 2016

d-Con Built a Better Mousetrap!

I am a connoisseur of mouse traps.

Not many people would admit to such a thing, but mice and I have had an all-out war going since I was a college junior in my first apartment (with 3 of the greatest roomies ever!).  We had invited the college president, President Litfin, and his wife over for supper.  I was going to make a cake with braised coconut topping.  I pulled out the coconut only to find it had been violated by mice.

I have been at war ever since.

I confess that I have killed mice in a variety of ways, some purposeful, some accidental.  I have stepped on a nest of little ones in work boots.  I have caught them with glue traps (a truly horrible thing . . . I won't use them again!) and had to put the thing out of it's misery with a hammer.

I had one commit suicide in a milk bottle with water in it in my kitchen sink.  Another one lost his tail (I know . . . just like the nursery rhyme) when he somehow got it stuck in a snap trap and tried escaping through his hole.  (Again . . . pretty darn gory.)  A couple weeks ago I even had to kill one in my bathtub with a stick.

My ex had a trap he was especially proud of: a tub of water with a rolling bar smeared with peanut butter.  It caught mice, alright, but it was so horrible to empty.  Dead rodents floating in water . . . not my thing.

The thing with mice is that if they'd just stay out of my circle, I'd leave them alone.  I don't like killing things if it can be avoided.  The problem is that mice NEVER stay out of my circle.

First, they leave droppings everywhere.  I'm not a big germaphobe, but rodent poop is just plain disgusting.  It's bad enough under the kitchen sink with the cleaning supplies, but when it's on the shelves where I store the food I feed my family . . . NOT okay.

I've been ignoring the mouse droppings under the sink for a couple weeks.  Last week, however, they crossed the line.  I had put some chocolate-dipped ice cream cones on my kitchen shelves, "safely" ensconced in a plastic bag.

One day I say to the kids, "Hey, I have a treat!  I bought some frozen yogurt . . . let's have it in cones!"

I take out the bag only to find it COMPLETELY EMPTY with a tell-tale chew hole in the corner of the bag. Out comes the bleach.  Mommy's going to war.

Next trip to the grocery store, I stop by the pest control aisle.  Glue traps I have sworn off, as previously mentioned.  Traditional snap traps are effective, but so horrible to empty.  And after a few kills, they get a little warped and stop working so well.  Live traps . . . really, what is the point?  My sister mentioned getting a cat, but I tried that once and she ran away.

Suddenly I saw a nifty new trap: the d-CON® Ultra Set® covered snap trap.  It's a snap trap, so it kills.  It's covered, so you don't have to see the yuckiness.  It's got a cool release lever, so the dead pest drops cleanly out without you having to get your fingers anywhere near the disease-infested carcass.

I've seen mousetraps claiming to be "the best on the market" before, so I was doubtful and only bought one.  I will be buying more!

In three days my house has been freed from FIVE mice.  That's right, I can catch two a night!  Now, that doesn't say good things about how rodent-friendly my house is.  It does, however, say GREAT things about this trap.

Try it.  You'll love it.  I do. 

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