
Friday, September 9, 2016

My Go-To Summer Salad

I am not the world's greatest cook, so have no fear that this is going to wind up being a foody blog.  I do like to eat, however.  Even better than that is watching my kids enjoying food I've made them.  Tonight was one of those nights. 

After a week or so of lovely fall weather in which I dug out the bluejeans (a little snug . . . gotta get to that diet!) and long-sleeves, today hit the mid-90's.  Beautiful for summer.  Not so beautiful for autumn.  (The diversity of the seasons is one of my favorite things about New England; I feel a little betrayed when they boundary-violate each other.)

My kids were not feeling up to par today . . . coming down with their cousins' colds . . . and the heat made us all lethargic and mopey.  Come supper time, I wanted something cool to eat. 

Out came my go-to summer salad. 

The recipe differs every time depending on what is in the house, but here was today's variation:

1/2 box whole-grain penne, cooked and cooled
1/2 summer squash, coarsely chopped
1/2 cucumber, coarsely chopped
1 celery stalk, coarsely chopped
1 cooked chicken leg (and thigh), coarsely chopped (This one was grilled with balsamic dressing!)
(I usually add 1/2 a red pepper, coarsely chopped . . . but I was out!) 
Relish and mayonnaise to taste
(I like to use Italian salad dressing because it feels healthier, but Chinchita requested mayonnaise . . . and it is pretty yummy that way!)

Ranita ate one serving and opted for white mint chocolate chip ice cream for dessert.  Not my little lady.  Four helpings.  Dessert?  Nope.  She just wanted more pasta salad. 

Gotta tell ya, no gourmet winning their third Michelin star could feel prouder than I did at that moment. 

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