
Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Knuckle Down, Buckle Down, Do It! Do It! Do It!

I am a procrastinator.  In my inner soul, my motto runs something like this: Why do today what you can put off until next year? 

Tonight is a prime example.  I started a project almost a year ago and, for reasons of pure dislike for the topic, have found myself unable to complete it.  This is not to say I didn't want to do it; I did.  Well, I wanted to have it done.  I guess it's not quite the same thing!

At any rate, it kept nagging me, loitering around the back of my mind, popping up at the most inconvenient times merely to attest that I was, indeed, the laziest person in the world. 

So tonight I bit the bullet and did the project.  The funny thing is that it wasn't nearly as horrible as it had been a year ago when I tried completing it the first time.  (I really did . . . I swear!) 

So what changed?

Well, it sure wasn't the topic.  Or the writer.  Or the motivations.

The only thing that changed was my determination.  This morning I swore that I would wrap that up tonight and get it out of my life or die trying.  (Yes . . . I really am that dramatic in my inner diaglogues!)  So even though I had a lovely long chat with my mom tonight and got started an hour or so later than I planned, I hammered at it until I got it done.

And you know what?  It feels great!  No more albatross hovering overhead; no more raven mocking, "Never done!  Never done!"

And it made me think of some of the other things that I just "can't" get myself to do, when maybe all I need is an extra kick in the butt.  I'm thinking of things like:
"Run with perseverance the race marked out for you."
"Set your mind on things above, not on earthly things."
"Be still and know that I am God."
"Rejoice in the Lord."
"In everything give thanks." 
"Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you."

Please do not misunderstand me.  I firmly believe, and only become more convinced the more I understand my own nature, that our sanctification comes through the work of Christ and not our works.  However, I also know that God expects us to cooperate with the Holy Spirit by doing our part, even if that part consists solely in praying for the strength to do our part.

Years ago I read an article in a Reader's Digest collection.  I can't remember the title or the author, but I have always remembered this one line, "Today do one thing for no other reason than you don't want to do it."  His premise was that making a habit of doing unpleasant things created spirits with the resilience and determination to tackle the truly great challenges when they came along. 

I think he's right.  I wish I had taken his advice on this issue last year.  All the same, I'm glad I did it today.  I wonder what I will find to do tomorrow?

(By the way, I've included this song because it is so fun--I'm a big Roger Miller fan!--and because my kids and I use this to motivate us to pick up toys before bedtime . . . try it!)

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