
Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Get Comfortable

I have a guilty pleasure.  (Well, lots actually, but I'm only talking about one tonight.)  Every night after the kids go to bed, I take one of their bowls, grab a handful of chocolate chips from the freezer, and munch. 

As I got my snack tonight, I started thinking about comfort foods.  I'm sure there are tons of scientific reasons why we run to certain foods in times of stress and/or emotional disturbance.  I, however, don't know any of them.  And I don't need to. 

What I do know is that there are some go-to foods guaranteed to ease my heart when needed...and here they are:

Chocolate.  Any kind.  Any time.  The darker the better.  (As an aside, I don't know what white "chocolate" is, but it sure isn't chocolate!)

Tuna casserole.  Hot or cold, it is amazing...especially with a side of Ocean Spray jellied cranberry sauce.

Beef stroganoff.  My mom always made a "poor man's" version--hamburg, cream of mushroom soup, sour cream--quick, easy, and addictively satisfying.  (I also like it made with stew beef, a little red wine and Wostershire mm mm!)

Tuna patties and box macaroni and cheese.  (Thank you, Marsha!)

Fast food value meals.  I shouldn't admit this one, growing up on a farm and making my living consulting for and writing about farmers, but there it is. 

Mocha lattes.  Or those seasonal Praline Pecan Lattes from Starbucks.  Oh so delicious!  I feel happy just thinking about them!

Egg rolls.  The first Chinese food I fell in love with.  Still my favorite.

My sister-in-law's world-famous bean dip.  Amazing!

Maybe this post topic was a bad idea...I think I need a snack!

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