I hate Excel.
Okay, so I really love Excel, but not at this particular moment. Last night I spent hours creating beautiful, functional spreadsheets for my VBS that started today. I had registration charts, badge data sheets, schedules . . . all kinds of things. I printed them all out. Gorgeous.
I pressed save.
I forgot something, so I immediately went back to reopen it when . . . UNBELIEVABLE! Only one sheet existed in my file of formerly many. Could the big data sheet have survived? Nope. Of course not. All I got was some piddling list of first names with nothing else. Virtually useless.
Because I was doing this at midnight, I blamed operator error. I had been copying and pasting like a fiend, so perhaps I had inadvertently copied the useless sheet onto the useful sheet before saving.
Tonight I am convinced that is not the case because . . . if you can believe it . . . it happened AGAIN!!!! Only worse because I had more data entered. Oh yeah, I lost all the data from last night (that I had to re-enter) PLUS new data from today! PLUS my fancy formatting, which everyone knows is really the biggest thing. Data entry goes pretty quickly.
I was really careful this time, too. I literally saved after every little change. And really, it's not even 10:30pm. It is practically the middle of the day compared to the hours I have been working. This should not have occurred.
The kicker is that I use Excel all the time and have never had anything like this happen. I have financial records dating back 4 years all in the same file. (With color-coded tabs for active/inactive!) I used to simultaneously manage 6 grants at one time using ONE Excel file. This is NOT rocket science.
There is only one thing I can figure might have happened. Both times the documents actually originated from an on-line source. (You know the type: online forms that collect your data and have an option to "download as an Excel spreadsheet." Usually works like a charm.) When saving them, they gave a pesky little warning about saving in a different form because of different versions of Excel, blah blah blah.
I usually ignore that warning because, frankly, I don't care if the yellow on my screen is the same yellow on the printed page or if Times New Roman prints more like Calibri. I use older versions of Excel with 2007 all the time without difficulty.
As I think back, however, I think this warning was a little different. I seem to remember something about "comma delimited" something or other. Hmmm. I know that refers to how the program recognizes breaks in data, etc. I thought is was a superficial formatting thing; I didn't think it would preclude saving multiple sheets.
I have to say, it doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me. Why let me create the additional sheets in the first place if I can't keep them both? Why not make an annoying dinging sound and give me a pop-up that says, "Hey, Dopey, this file format does not accommodate multiple pages. Please save as a different format before trying to create additional sheets."
Oh wait a minute . . . I guess maybe it did . . .
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