
Saturday, July 30, 2016

Loop de Loop Kind of Life

I'll never forget my first time on a roller coaster.  It was at Darien Lake in NY where our high school band had competed in the annual Battle of the Bands.  After performing, we were free to enjoy all the rides. 

My sister wanted to ride the roller coasters.

I did too, but at that point in my life fear played a big role, so I was scared to death.  I remember that we were the first in line for the next ride.  I wanted to run.  I'm not sure if it was being too proud to back out on my little sister, being too susceptible to peer pressure, or inwardly suspecting I'd regret not going at least once, but we went.

It took me all of 2 seconds to realize I was a roller coaster junkie.  I love the fear in the pit of my stomach when I lock in, the lurch and clang as the cars begin to move, the sickening drop of the car ahead of you plunging into nothingness, and the rhythmic swirling as you lean into the loops.  I just plain love the rush.  

Here's the thing about roller coasters: they're fun because they're temporary.  Can you imagine if every car ride were a roller coaster ride?  Maybe not so bad as a passenger, but would you want to drive that commute every day?  

I wouldn't.  

Yet here I am, living what can only be termed a roller coaster life.  Each day is filled with highs: my kids and I singing along with Tina Turner at the top of our lungs as we drive down the highway.  Each day is filled with lows: my son calling me "stupid mommy" at the top of his lungs while his sister screeches at him to "give me back my pony!"  

And in between . . . holy mackerel!  We race from the former to the latter at breakneck speed, sometimes feeling as if the journey is shaking us to pieces.  

Miraculously, however, sunset usually finds us coasting smoothly into the staging area, windblown, breathless, but laughing all the same.  

It's quite the ride! 

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