
Friday, July 22, 2016

Songs for the Weary

It's 7:30 on Friday night.  The kids are in bed.  I'm in my pj's.  We just finished up a very long, very fun, very energetic week of Deep Sea Discovery VBS.  My ex confirmed my suspicion that he'll be taking his girlfriend to our honeymoon location next weekend.  It's 87 degrees F in my little house, my amazingly messy little house.  (Give me a break . . . I haven't been home all week!) 

What do I do? 

I think about lullabies. 

I think it's nothing short of a travesty that lullabies are considered little more than ways to coerce infants into sleeping.  They are one of the purest forms of comfort.  So here are some of my favorites . . . the ones I turn to over and over again for my kids . . . and sometimes myself!

1.  Frère Jacques (I always sing it to my kids in French . . .)
2.  Lullabies and Nightsongs Set I by Wilder, Arr. Lang  (I looked for a recording . . . used to have one from when I performed it in a choir as a teenager . . . sheet music for most of it was the best I could do.  If you ever find a recording, buy it.)  
3.  Brahm's "Lullaby"  (I always sing this to my kids in German . . . just seems like the right thing to do!)
4.  Desert Lullaby (First heard this on Pandora . . . makes me want to cry every time I hear/sing it.) 
5. Hush, Little Baby (I change the words indiscriminately!) 
6.  Songs I made up for my kids, generally in Spanish, but in English, too.
7.  Summertime (I know . . . not a lullaby . . . I sing it like one, though!) 
8.  The Old Rugged Cross (Also not a lullaby . . . but it always makes me feel good . . . them, too!) 
9.  All the Pretty Horses (Fell in love with during master class at Wheaton when one of my classmates sang it!)   
10.  All Through the Night (You HAVE to listen to this version . . . gorgeous voice!) 
I do NOT sing Rock-a-Bye Baby.  Babies falling out of trees?  Really?  When my son insists--others sang it to him!--I change the words.  Makes me feel better!  

Good night, sleep tight, friends.  Don't let the bed bugs bite! (Is that better than cradles falling . . .?!)

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